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国际知名地理信息科学家Arthur Getis教授成立“应龙根科研差旅基金”



照片左起:应龙根教授、Arthur Getis教授、Arthur Getis教授夫人(2007年4月25日摄于华东师范大学)

近日,国际知名地理信息及空间分析专家、美国圣地亚哥州立大学(San Diego State University)地理系荣誉特聘教授Arthur Getis成立以其学生应龙根教授命名的“应龙根科研差旅基金”(The Long Gen Ying Travel Fund),以纪念其在学术上的贡献以及正直、善良、谦逊的卓越品格。该基金将资助圣地亚哥州立大学地理系的老师和学生在中国开展科学研究。

应龙根教授1978年毕业于华东师范大学,后赴美求学,获美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California Santa Barbara)和圣地亚哥州立大学联合博士学位,毕业后在美国从事地理信息科学与空间分析的教学与研究。与Arthur Getis教授一起首次提出了基于GIS平台的空间自回归和滤波模型,被认为是空间统计学中具有重要影响的模型。为报效祖国,于2002年回到母校华东师范大学地理系(地理科学学院前身)任教,为华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室教授、博士生导师,主要从事地理计算以及空间经济学。他儒雅的形象、谦逊的作风、慈爱的品格、深厚的学术功底以及严谨的科研态度曾深深感染师大每一个有幸聆听他教诲的学生。然而天妒英才,2009年,应龙根教授不幸患肝癌离世,终年57岁。

“应龙根科研差旅基金”的设立,是Arthur Getis教授对应龙根教授学术贡献与个人品格的肯定和纪念,也代表了所有敬佩他的人对他的怀念。逝者已矣,然精神永存!


感谢加拿大皇后大学(Queen's University)陈冬梅教授提供相关信息。以下转自Arthur Getis教授发给其学生陈冬梅教授的信件:
To my SDSU faculty colleagues and PhD students,
Just today I signed an agreement with the SDSU Campanile Foundation to establish The Long Gen Ying Travel Fund. Long was a Ph.D. student in our department; in fact he was the second to receive a PhD (1998) in our joint Ph.D. program. Unfortunately, he died seven years ago of cancer. He was the Director of the GIS Laboratory of East China Normal University in Shanghai. Besides being a wonderful person, he was an outstanding scholar writing mostly on income disparities in China. The grant is in his honor.
The Long Gen Ying Travel Fund will support SDSU Department of Geography faculty and Ph.D. students with travel funds to do research in China. At some time in the near future the exact procedures for applying for support will be circulated. Suffice it to say now that the purpose of the grant is to honor and remember Long for his contributions to our field, in particular to our knowledge of China, and to link our Department to ever-increasing research on China.
Best wishes to all,
Arthur Getis

Distinguished Professor of Geography Emeritus
San Diego State University

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